In honor of Women Veterans Recognition Day, June 12th, the Center for Women Veterans (CWV) will highlight women Veterans the entire month of June on our social media.
Will you or do you know a woman Veteran willing to share their photo, there is one caveat, they must wear their Service Branch or women Veteran Pride Gear, such as a shirt or hat. Be creative, we need photos of women Veterans doing what we do, reading, biking, with our families, in the gym, on our computers, phones, at an event etc. While creating women Veteran content for the Center and the VA, it’s often difficult to find hi-resolution photos to use that show our service pride as Veterans. This is an effort to Change the Culture and include more women Veterans in content. If you or you have a Veteran willing to share their photo, they will be highlighted on CWVs Socials and possibly used when creating content for the VA.
Here is what we need:
- Fill out the VA Digital Image Consent, sign, and send it back.
- Send a High Res photo in Pride Gear and in uniform if they have it. (Preferred format is JPG or BMP)
- Include: Name, Rank, Branch of Service, and Dates of Service.
- Include: Any facts about their service that really stands out? Were they a first woman to …, did they have a unique assignment, etc.
- Send the email to missina.schallus@va.gov.
Let’s flood the internet with our Pride!