Donate Items: Here’s what we currently need

Following is the list of things we currently need at Robin’s Home. Please only donate the following items or contact Mary at (724) 453-4644. We are limited on space and unfortunately cannot accept clothing donations at this time.

Supplies Needed: bathroom cleaner, all purpose cleaner, window cleaner, hand soap, disinfectant wipes, dawn dish soap, furniture polish, face masks, kitchen trash bags, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, latex gloves, small first aid kits, toilet paper, Swiffer XXL wet pads, paper towels, toilet paper, scrubbing sponges, three mops and buckets, paper plates, plastic cups, plastic silverware, air freshener

Non-Perishable Items: cases of water, coffee (regular and decaf), creamer and sugar.

Hygiene: hair brushes, hair ties and hair clips, deodorant, body lotion, face wash, finger nail clippers, tweezers, gift certificates to Butler Beauty School for the ladies to get haircuts. 

Gift Cards: small increment gift cards to Wal-Mart ( we use this to help get produce and meats for the women until we get them food stamps and to the food bank). Visa

Gift Cards to help purchase shoes, bras and underwear. 

Funds/Gift Cards for Social Activities: we do social activities at least once or twice a month. The women decide the social activity they want to do. We have taken the women to dinner. On average 22 veterans commit suicide a day. Therefore, it’s important to participate in social activities with the women and help build a support system.