Warming Center is Open — Pass it on!

As snow falls and temperatures drop in the Greater Pittsburgh area, many local veterans face the cold without shelter.

Winter can be especially harsh for veterans experiencing homelessness. No veteran should endure freezing nights without help.

Did you know?

  • Over 33,000 veterans in the U.S. experience homelessness on any given night.
  • Female veterans are twice as likely to be homeless as their male counterparts.
  • In Pennsylvania, hundreds of veterans struggle to find stable housing.

If you are a veteran in need of a warm place to stay, an overnight warming center in Butler, PA, is now open to offer safety and shelter during these cold nights. Learn more here: [ warming center opens ]

At Robin’s Home, we are dedicated to helping veterans. If you or a veteran you know needs assistance finding a warming center or requires essentials like blankets or coats, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

If you’d like to support veterans this winter:

  • Share this post to raise awareness.
  • Volunteer or make a financial contribution to support our mission.

Together, we can make a difference and ensure no veteran is left out in the cold.

Warming Center