Sadler Priest recorded a video on Facebook in support of Robin’s Home. You can view the video here:
What is it? A service intensive transitional housing service for Female Veteran’s that just need a hand!
Where is it? Institute Hill in Butler
Why is it? Female veterans have come to be known as the invisible veteran. When you think of Veteran’s. Most think of men. A lot of abuse in the military is not talked about leaving some left feeling unrepresented and forgotten. Ultimately leading to it’s own Hashtag and movement #iamnotinvisible
When was it? Robin’s Home was founded a little over 3 years ago and has since helped 37 HUMANS, transition to healthy lives they love!
How was it? Please see -> for the story, it’s not mine to tell!
Call to action! Please go to FaceBook and SHARE [this post], like Robin’s Home, and let Mary Chitwood, the fearless Veteran and founder, know if you can help!
We have big plans coming, including hoping to open another facility soon. They’ve had to turn away 11 women veteran’s in the last year that needed a hand.