We are honored to introduce our Hero of the Month, Stanley!
Learn more about him below:
Name: Stanley
Favorite Hobby: Working out at the gym and playing or watching sports
Fun Fact: I am a generous and caring person
Describe Yourself: I am humble
Favorite Food: Pizza
Unconventional Animal: A turtle
Share Your Journey:
“I was living on Main St hoping there could be a local VA Center and out of nowhere here comes Robin’s Home. This was a wish come true because it provided a local place to receive help, a place to chill, and other helpful benefits that it provides. I truly believe it helped save my life because I was down and out with no place to go. I received support and help which made my life better.”
What motivates you to work with veterans and their families?
“I like working with veterans because I know they are going through the same experience as other veterans. We all need to help and support each other.”
Impactful Moment or Story:
“The time I was homeless and had no place to go and nothing to eat. On that particular day, they had a barbecue. I was able to eat and relax for a few hours.”
Wish More People Knew About Robin’s Home:
“The caring of the Robin’s Home employees. They are the best support people I have encountered. They really look out for you and have your best interest in mind. Mary and her staff is the best I have encountered.”
What Advice Would You Give?
“I think it would be a rewarding experience for anyone who wants to get involved.”
A Final Thought:
“I think Robin’s Home is one of the best places for veterans to go to receive help to mingle. I would rate Robin’s Home a perfect 10 as far as my experience.”
We are proud to celebrate Stanley as our Hero of the Month. Thank you, Stanley, for sharing your story and allowing us to get to know you. We are grateful for the impact you’ve had on our community!