Each month we do a social activity the residents choose. Yesterday we had lunch and celebrated a birthday.
Social activities are an important part of Robin’s Home. Our residents are typically low-income. Therefore, going out to eat is not possible. Also, approximately 20 veterans commit suicide every day. All of our women that we serve have struggled with a mental health disorder. The social activities provide an opportunity to build comradery with each other. Thus, building a support system.
The residents work really hard while at Robin’s Home by attending appointments at the VA and in the community, weekly meetings with Mary, weekly recovery groups, attending enrichment classes, financial literacy classes, completing assigned chores, etc. All while working on their goals that they establish with Mary during their intake.
Robin’s Home is more than providing a place to stay. While at Robin’s Home the ladies work to eliminate barriers that led to their housing crisis and build a foundation that will carry them through when they exit into permanent housing. It’s an incredible experience to witness their journey and see their growth and success. This would not be possible without your support. The women said take a picture to put on the Facebook page. Many of our women have received help from other programs but say what we have at Robin’s Home is special.
Ladies you are not invisible. We see you. We are here to serve you and encourage you in your journey. We were missing one our our ladies in the photo. She is getting ready to move on Saturday to her apartment. We took lunch to her.