Gaiser Center Gives Thanksgiving Preparations to Robin’s Home

From the Butler EagleEddie Trizzino, Eagle Staff Writer

Ellen O’Brien Gaiser Center director Joe Mahoney hands a donated turkey to Robin’s Home founder Mary Chitwood Tuesday.

This Thanksgiving, the occupants of Robin’s Home will be thankful for employees of the Ellen O’Brien Gaiser Center as they sit around the dinner table.

In preparation of the upcoming holiday, the Gaiser Center organized its first-ever food drive this year to benefit Robin’s Home, the Butler shelter for women veterans. On Tuesday, the center’s employees delivered a minivan’s-worth of food, water and household supplies, such as toilet paper, that Robin’s Home needed.

Joe Mahoney, executive director of the Gaiser Center, said his employees were glad to help Robin’s Home.

“We wanted to give back,” Mahoney said. “(Robin’s Home founder) Mary (Chitwood) gave us a list of what they would need, and we had sign-ups to get everything.”

Robin’s Home offers shelter for women military veterans as well as other services, including counseling to help clients find permanent housing while residing in the shelter. Chitwood, the shelter’s executive director, said Robin’s Home has helped more than two-dozen clients since its founding in 2019.

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