Did you purchase your tickets?

Join us as we collaborate with the Butler Rotary Club–support two great causes with one event! Price is $100 per shooter if purchased before September 18th and $125 per shooter if purchased after that date.
Price includes the event, golf cart, door prizes and a fabulous lunch!
Price does not include guns or ammo.
The registration deadline is October 1st.
Make your check payable to Robin’s Home and mail your check to:
Robin’s Home, Inc.
P.O. Box 483
Lyndora, PA 16045
Or purchase tickets through EventBrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/o/robins-home-30920904741.
For more information about tickets or sponsorship, please call 412-380-1718.
Please check our Facebook page for updates to the event.
Thank you in advance for your support!